YouTube Copyright Claims

YouTube is one of the biggest streaming platforms today. There are over one billion users and over one billion hours of video watched every day. YouTube changed the way video creation went from a fun hobby to allowing creators to make millions of dollars every year from their fame from this platform.

Although YouTube is extremely popular, creators are becoming increasily more frustrated because of copyright violations. YouTube recently took steps to side with creators and help distinguish between copyright violations. Before this, if a creator were to upload a video of their own content but a car drove by playing a song, the creator could get a copyright strike against their account and not make money on that video. The new clause that YouTube has added states...

“Going forward, our policies will forbid copyright owners from using our Manual Claiming tool to monetize creator videos with very short or unintentional uses of music,” YouTube explained.

This change was made in response to large music labels and companies that purchased software that would be able to do detect any video that had used their songs in it. This meant they would flag any and every video that had used their song even if only for a few seconds of a very long video. This new software is aimed to help make sure that the copyright claims are valid and only against people who are using copyrighted content intentionally.
