The History of YouTube

YouTube started as a way for people to upload content for their friends and family to see. It is hard to imagine that people would even be able to imagine what YouTube would one day become.

The first video was uploaded on April 23, 2005, and now in 2019, the world of YouTube has completely transformed. There are over one billion users on the platform that are from all over the world and over one billion hours of content are watched every single day. Although the average age for consumers on YouTube is 18-34, there is content for everyone.

YouTube intrigues many young people because it offers an inside look into celebrity's lives that these consumers do not get from regular TV shows. YouTube breaks the fourth wall and these influencers talk directly to the viewers, unlike regular TV. Also, regular TV shows only air for a few months out of the year whereas YouTubers post-year-round so consumers get content all year round.

PewDiePie, who is who of the biggest YouTubers and has over 101 million subscribers is reported to make 54 million dollars just off of ad venue. Many reports say that most YouTubers make the majority of their income off of brand deals, sponsorships, and other partnerships. This opened the world of influencing which the world had not been exposed to. This was what began brands paying influencers to post about their product, in return making money. Brands found this much more effective than traditional commercials because of the change in how people consume media.

I believe that YouTube will continue to attract more and more people and is not slowing down anytime soon. It started YouTube TV, as a streaming service for traditional TV channels as a way to attract people who still watch traditional TV to their website. I believe YouTube is just getting bigger.
