How Personal Blogging Changed Mass Communication

Personal blogs changed the world of mass communication because it gave everybody the power of publishing. Instead of just allowing for big newspapers or reporters to have a voice on the internet, personal blogs are an outlet for anybody to voice their opinion. This has given more power to the individual and encouraged people to voice their opinions online. Anyone from aspiring journalists, to average people who have opinions and want to voice them, are able to create posts and share with the world. Personal blogs are known as "uncensored, unmediated and uncontrolled media" because any blogger can write and be free to write without being controlled about what they can or cannot say.

Personal blogs have also created a dialect between bloggers and readers. Comments are very popular when using blogging services and this is a way for readers to debate different topics and have healthy dialects between each other. When reading a major news site, the reader is given a point of view and most of the time not offered a chance to voice their own opinion. On the other hand, blogging has created a new atmosphere where voicing your own view and commenting is very encouraging.

This video further explains the importance of blogging. Blogging has changed many different ways of writing from the format to the interaction with the readers. It has given power to the common writer instead of just allowing big journalists to tell stories which is very powerful. Anybody can decide to start a blog and has the power to write whatever they want.

Andrew Sullivan: How Blogging Has Changed Writing
