Mainstream Media

Mainstream media is defined as traditional or established broadcasting or publishing outlets.
Some of the most popular mainstream media outlets are...

The mainstream media are the main way that the general public accesses the news. One issue with this is the term "Mainstream Media Bias" which is the understanding that different media outlets, may persuade the readers in certain directions. The video below better explains this phenomenon.

One danger of this is that uninformed people may take what the media says and not seek out alternative viewpoints. For example, if you only read a newspaper that is pro-Trump you may only know about the positive things he has done for our country. It is important that readers know that these biases exist so they are conscious about seeking out more than one opinion before deciding what they would like to believe. Being unaware of these biases can be dangerous because it leads the country to put too much trust into the media and forget that every story has an angle. 
